Career Skills
Your Big Audacious Goal:
"I expect my boss to take care of my career development," is a common sentiment we hear from participants in our programmes. While it's natural to anticipate promotions to be offered by our superiors when we perform and deliver results, the reality is that we can and must take charge of our careers ourselves.
During this session, we encourage participants to think BIG about their career goals and emphasize the importance of designing their professional journeys. We provide advice on how to take control of their careers and destiny, going beyond traditional HR processes and prompting self-reflection that leads to individual accountability, planning, and action.
We urge individuals to consider their big audacious goals, and we guide them through the process of developing a plan to achieve them. By focusing on personal accountability, planning, and action, we believe that individuals can achieve significant career success and fulfilment.
What will you learn
In this programme, we will demonstrate the power of personal branding and give you the recipe for building your own personal brand, with which you will stand out from the crowd.
This recipe includes:
Who are you? Your authentic self
What do you stand for? Your values and principles
What do you want to achieve? Your aspirations
What's your appropriate personal branding positioning?
How do you communicate and live this personal branding on a daily basis?
Using our own proprietary tools, we take people through a journey to map out their authentic selves, their branding statements, their leadership principles, and their personal roadmap of how to make their branding come alive.
We will provide an extensive handout for participants to map out their authentic, powerful personal brand, which differentiates them from their peers.
Big Audacious Goal
Your Big Audacious Goal
We may expect promotions to be offered by our superiors when we perform and deliver results. In reality, we can and must take charge of our careers ourselves.
In this session, we urge participants to think BIG about their career goals and make them aware of the need to design professional journeys. We provide advice on how to take charge of their careers and destiny.
Outcome: Participants become pro-active in shaping their careers.
Participants will define their Big Audacious Goal, and understand why this is important to them
Going beyond the traditional corporate approach to career planning, we will define what connections and networks are to be made, and who and what will help them to get closer to achieving their dreams