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How to Make Yourself Promotable

   7 Skills To Help You Climb The Career Ladder

Mette Johansson's book "How to make yourself promotable” is all about working on the basics to make that promotion you’re yearning for happen faster. It’s targeted especially for people who have already settled into their jobs and know they want more in corporate life.

Regardless of your profession and your industry, your knowledge – your hard skills – will be essential for success. However, this is usually not enough. If you only focus on hard skills, you can get stuck in a corner office as the most experienced specialist in your field. If you want team responsibility, you will be promoted because of your soft skills: people skills, attitude, and knowing how to get things done.

It is not about being perfect at everything. Rather, it is about becoming aware of the skills that are essential for stepping up the career ladder and steadily improving these to bring your promotion within reach.

“How to make yourself promotable” is a trusted guide on your career journey.

What you will find inside the book


What does it take to be promotable

Getting PROMOTEd



P - Practice Powerful Communication

R- Raise Your Self-Confidence

O- Own Your Brilliance

M- Mentor And Be Mentored


O- Optimise Relations With Your Boss


T- Target Peak Productivity


E - Engage Authentically


“Mette’s book “How to Make Yourself Promotable?” is full of great exercises and practical tips on self-improvement and personal branding. She shares many of her own corporate life experiences on today’s leadership challenges. It was a pleasure and inspiration for me to read and Mette is truly a key person of influence in her field. I highly recommend the book to everyone who cares about success.“

Mar van Sluijs, President, Asia Pacific, Division Power, Oil & Gas at Voith Turbo Pte Ltd.

—  Name, Title

The book is available for purchase in the following online stores:

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